How is Yoga Teacher Training So Life-Changing

Having taught yoga at many Yoga Teacher Trainings in Sayulita, Mexico, I have witnessed first-hand the countless internal shifts and profound transformations in students. While all yoga teacher trainings impart life-changing ancient wisdom, specifically yogic immersion trainings foster healing that helps shift a student’s perpective on purpose and happiness. In this way, yoga teacher training will change your life!

Here’s How Yoga Teacher Training Radically Changed the Course of My Life

Heading off to Yoga Teacher Training in 2013!

In 2013, I ventured to my own 200-hour yoga teacher training in Melaque, Mexico. The prospect of leaving my daily routine behind was both thrilling and intimidating. Like everyone else, I didn’t really have several weeks to put my work and life on pause to take this trip. But after becoming curious about spirituality, I decided I would do whatever it took to leave my daily grind behind to experience a yoga immersion.

I strategized to take the opportunity while I was in between jobs. I had to trust that I could manage this in my budget. I had interviewed at a Fortune 500 company and once I received the position, I informed my new boss that I was unable to start for two weeks. This was a bit taboo, but I decided if they didn’t wait, it probably wasn’t the kind of company I would want to work for. I ended up taking my laptop to yoga teacher training to complete a few onboarding calls.

The training, with its focus on breathwork, meditation, chanting, and physical practice shifted my self-awareness and opened me up to explore so much more than I ever imagined. But that was only part of the magic that unfolded.

My yoga teacher training became the catalyst for a series of remarkable events.

My transformation from high heels and packing my lunch to take to the office, to barefoot beach life as a yoga teacher.

I had fallen in love with travel, and I had the distinct vision two months earlier while in Costa Rica that I was destined to travel the world helping others while teaching yoga. I had already been teaching dance and fitness classes, had been practicing yoga consistently and knew teacher training was the next progression in my personal growth. Yes, I had commited to a full-time, corporate job, but I followed my heart to see where the path might go.

On my way to yoga teacher training, I stopped a few days to visit Puerto Vallarta for the first time. After meeting some fellow hikers in a hostel, I joined them for a day trip to take a hike in nearby Sayulita. We hiked through lush jungle to a remote beach, and I talked with the others about how I had no idea where I wanted to be in life but that I wanted to be on a beautiful beach. At this time, Sayulita was a pretty sleepy beach town, it didn’t really strike me as a place I would return to.

Then I traveled on to teacher training to Melaque, Mexico. Each morning we would wake up at 7am to do meditation, chanting and breathwork. I had never done any of this before. It was challenging, a little strange to me, but I liked it. Sometimes I would lose focus, but there was undeniable energy in these practices that fed my soul in a way I had never experienced. It also heightened my intuition and helped me envision the life I wanted.

I returned home to my new corporate job, and started teaching yoga (side hustle!) right away anywhere that would have me! About a year into this new job, I had started envisioning a way out of corporate life. I had heard that sometimes the company would lay off workers and offer a nice severance package. I started meditating and visualizing that maybe this could happen for me. It was such a strong vision that I started preparing myself for this event, learning more and more about yoga and taking trainings that would help me develop professionally in holistic wellness.

In about a year after this vision, I got the call that I was being offered a severance package. While sadly, others in my company did not feel the same sentiment, I was beaming with this news. I was free to explore a new life path, and I had some extra cash to float me.

I started traveling and teaching yoga while renting out my home out on Airbnb. Sayulita started becoming a hot spot on the wellness and surfing travel circuit. I decided there must be more to Sayulita than my first impression. So, I circled back 4 years after my first visit to Sayulita. Instantly, I was offered opportunities to teach yoga and help out at yoga teacher trainings, so I decided to stay.

After a few years teaching yoga in this small village, I met my husband. He was traveling (originally from Argentina) and like so many, decided he too would like to stay in Sayulita. He started his own hiking tour company. Each day he leads day hiking tours on the very same magical paths I visited on my first trip to Sayulita years ago! 

Personal and Professional Growth

Yoga teacher training opened so many doors for me. It has enhanced my life with many techniques that have helped me remain joyful, positive and uplifted through all of life’s twists and turns. It also is the foundation for my career in wellness. When I think of all the trainings and certifications I have done, none prepared me more professionally or was more life-changing than my 200-hour immersion. 

My 200-hour yoga teacher training taught me much more than teaching yoga classes, it created my daily devotional practice to meditation and mindfulness and taught me to hold space for others while facilitating other modalities I later trained in:

  • Life coaching sessions

  • Sound healing

  • Meditation recordings

  • Reiki sessions

  • Sacred ceremonies

  • Retreats and workshops

After time and experience, I was able to confidently pivot from a marketing career to living a more simple and fulfilling life in the tropics teaching yoga, offering 1:1 coaching sessions and working part-time online for a meditation tech company. 

I feel truly blessed and grateful that I opened my heart to the teachings of yoga and it has led me down a purposeful path to making a positive impact on others and the world.

Join me for Yoga Teacher Training in Sayulita, Mexico

If you feel the stirrings of transformation within, consider joining the Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Expand yourself spiritually, seek to explore your purpose and embark on a journey towards happiness. Don’t miss the chance to redefine your path through this immersive experience.

Embark on your transformative journey – attend the Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training today. Your purpose awaits.


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