Beginner’s Guide to the Incredible World of Meditation [FREE Audio Tracks]

Studies have proven the benefits of a regular meditation practice time and time again, from reducing stress, improving mental health and fighting depression, to improving concentration and developing a clearer thought process. You know this, that’s why you’re here. You want to try it for yourself. So let’s skip to the good part.

Meditation is a technique that can dramatically change your life without needing any resources or buying anything.

Below you will find my FREE recorded meditations.

I have practiced a daily meditation habit over the past 15 years, and it’s an essential part of my overall wellness and self-care practice. Some days I meditate for just 5 minutes, other days I do a few 30 minute sessions. No matter for how long or what type of meditation I do, there’s no doubt that I ALWAYS feel better after I meditate.

I begin all of my yoga classes with a guided meditation. It helps my newer students learn how to meditate and helps us all relax into a more mindful and present state. I recommend you meditate a few minutes before there’s anything in particular you want to focus on. I like to meditate before making big decisions, before reacting to an emotional situation, before interviews, big discussions or speaking engagements, before going after a new challenge and sometimes before eating and other daily tasks I’d like to bring more mindfulness to. In all of these situations, it helps me feel calm, focused and grounded.


We all need to start somewhere, so I recommend to set a goal to meditate 5 minutes per day. Even just 5 minutes of daily meditation can work wonders on improving your stress and wellbeing. And let’s be realistic, everyone has 5 minutes. The best part is you can do meditation anywhere (ok, except while driving!) - so whether you take 5 before your start your day, while you are at your desk at work, while you are waiting at the airport, or before you start working out, you can easily find a way to fit meditating into your day.

If you’re just getting into meditation, don’t feel overwhelmed. You don’t need to spend hours meditating like a monk. All you need is yourself and a few moments out of your day. Try finding a quiet place in your house or outdoors where you can sit in peace and quiet. Try to find an environment that will not allow for distractions (kid-free, phone-free, maybe even pet-free zone, it’s just 5 minutes!).


Sit in a comfortable and upright position. You may need to play around with a few seated positions until you find one that feels best. You can sit on the ground or in a chair. If you are new to sitting on the ground, you might like to support your back with a wall.

I don’t recommend lying down to meditate, especially as a beginner because our mind is trained to fall asleep while lying down. Rest is important too, so if you feel inclined to recline, do your 5 minutes of seated meditation then lie down and enjoy the relaxing effects.


Once you’re comfortable, close your eyes and just start paying attention to your breath. Notice each inhale and each exhale and just be aware of each circle of breath. Try to slow down and relax the breath, extending your inhales and exhales evenly. Aim for calm, slow, steady rounds of breath. If thoughts arise, simply acknowledge them and let them go (don’t continue thinking them, but just greet them and send them on their way). After a thought arrives, consciously return your focus to your breath.

You don't need to force anything - let the practice come naturally, in whatever way is most comfortable for you. You can gradually increase the amount of time you spend meditating as you become more comfortable. The key is to find a time and place that works for you and to be consistent with your practice.


Guided meditations, meaning listening to and following a meditation teacher either in-person or online are great for beginners. Guided meditations provide structure and instructions to help you learn and understand each step, making it easier to focus and relax into the practice. Guided meditations can also bring more awareness to many healing themes (gratitude, healing, self-love) and can be personalized to your needs.


I hope these tracks inspire you to commit to a daily meditation habit. All are under 5 minutes. Let me know how it goes in the comments.

These tracks are part of my audio series of meditations and coaching posted on the Aura app. These are the raw unedited files. If you want access to my complete professionally editied series of audio tracks with new tracks each week as well as other tracks from hundreds of amazing coaches, use this link to sign up for a 30-day free trial with Aura (you will love it!).

🧘‍♀️ Make it personal: You can also book a coaching session with me to explore and use meditation and other mindfulness techniques specific to your own physical, mental and emotional healing.


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