A Simple Guide to Creating a Meditation Space at Home

“The key to creating a home meditation practice is to create a space where the busyness stops.“ ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Creating a dedicated meditation space at home helps bring peaceful energy to your practice and creates an environment that supports your meditation habit. By creating a meditation space in your home, you're not just carving out a quiet corner, you're investing in your wellbeing and nurturing a practice that can bring mindfulness and calm to your life. This sacred space serves as a physical reminder of the importance of self-care and introspection, fostering your commitment to the practice of meditation.

A meditation space supports cultivating a daily habit

“The Habit Loop,” described in James Clear’s Atomic Habits allows individuals to effectively build new habits or break old ones by adjusting cues, cravings, responses or rewards. The aspect of creating a new habit by putting cues in your environment is referred to as "cue-based habit formation." The cue is the trigger that initiates the habit. Just like leaving your running shoes and workout clothes next to the bed can motivate you to work out first thing in the morning, creating a meditation space in your house can help you cultivate a meditation habit.

The habit loop, consists of four components:

  1. Cue - This involves strategically placing visual or sensory cues in your environment to prompt the desired behavior. You see and are reminded that your meditation cushion is ready and available.

  2. Craving - Once the cue is detected, it leads to motivation to act on the habit. You are reminded of your desire to meditate and why this goal is important to you.

  3. Response - Performing the actual behavior or action of the habit itself (whether positive or negative). You sit down to take a few deep breaths or meditate.

  4. Reward - After completing the behavior, there is a reward or outcome that satisfies you, which reinforces the habit loop and increases the likelihood of repeating the behavior in the future. You feel calm and rejuvenated after meditating.

A meditation space supports positive energy flow

In terms of energy and vibration, creating a dedicated meditation space can profoundly increase positive energy flow. When you consistently meditate in this space, you contribute to and draw from this positive energy flow or “vibration.” Over time, this can create a harmonious and conducive environment for deepening your practice. Regularly meditating in your dedicated space can act as a form of energetic cleansing. As you engage in mindfulness practices, you release negative energy and tension from your body and mind. This creates a purifying effect not only on yourself but also on the surrounding space, elevating its vibrational frequency. Overtime, you will find the mediation space helps you to escape stress and release tension from the day quickly. As you facilitate a deeper connection with universal energy or higher consciousness during a meditation practice, your own energy you may experience a heightened sense of awareness and presence just by entering the space.

“One of the most important ways you can transform your home space is to make a place to sit. Creating a peaceful sitting area can transform the atmosphere of your whole house. This is an important way to support your meditation practice. If we sit in the same place each day, takes less and less timeto remember to stop and return to our breath. Here in this place, our bodies and minds an help each other relax. Ideally, this place will be one set aside just for sitting and consious breathing, not the same armchair you use for reading, or the couch where you sit with friends or family members.” ~Thich Nhat Hanh

How to set up your home meditation space

Keep it simple. Your meditation space doesn’t need to require a lot of space or cost a fortune. You don't need fancy equipment. Get started by chosing a quiet space in your home. It doesn’t need to be an entire room, it can just be a quiet corner where you won't be disturbed. It could be in your bedroom, living room or even your office.

Consider your desired props. You don't need fancy equipment, even just a yoga mat or some cushions will do. It’s best to meditate seated with a straight spine. You can do this by sitting on a yoga mat on the floor, perhaps propped up by some blankets, cushions or pillows. If this is not comfortable for you, consider setting up next to a wall, where you can support your spine. Additionally, you can choose a chair that allows you to sit up straight with firm back support (for example, a dining table chair).

Clear the clutter. Tidy up the area. Clear out any unnecessary clutter lying around. A clean space helps clear the mind.

Personalize the space. Feel free to add a plant or any calming decor that makes the area feel more inviting for you. You want this space to evoke tranquility and feel inviting, so add whatever makes it feel like your own little sanctuary.

Make it sacred. Make sure you only use the space for meditation and mindfulness activities, such as journaling or reading a mindfulness book. Avoid doing any unrelated activities in the space, such as eating/drinking, using your phone or working.

Get practicing. Try to spend a few minutes in your meditation space every day. It doesn't have to be a long, just take a few breaths. Start associating this space with the sensation of peace.

In essence, your meditation space serves as a sanctuary where the energies of intention, personalization and commitment to practice support and enhance your meditation practice. By attuning yourself to the energy and vibration of this space and using the space as a cue to reinforce your meditation habit, you will deepen greater sense of peace, clarity and spiritual connection. Remember, this is your space to relax and unwind. Keep it simple, make it personal and sacred, and most importantly, keep coming back to it.

📚 Recommended Reading: Making Space by Thich Nhat Hanh

If you're seeking to cultivate mindfulness and inner peace in your life, I love the short and sweet book, "Making Space" by Thich Nhat Hanh. This book offers profound insights and practical techniques for creating space in both our external environment and internal landscape for meditation and spiritual growth. Thich Nhat Hanh’s teachings inspire us to let go of clutter – both physical and mental – and to cultivate a sense of spaciousness that allows for greater clarity, joy and presence in our daily lives.

Learn more with Evoka | Sayulita Yoga School

If you are looking to commit to a meditation and mindfulness lifestyle, whether you want to teach yoga and mindfulness or just learn more about yoga’s transformational philosophy and techniques for practice, Evoka | Sayulita Yoga School’s 200-hour yoga teacher training offers you the life-changing immersion experience to enhance your spiritual growth. Join us in our upcoming Yoga Teacher Training in Sayulita, Mexico!

Transformative Yoga Immersions: Living the Yoga Lifestyle in Sayulita, Mexico

Expand into your freedom and shift into transformation with this yogic lifestyle immersion. Imagine waking up each day to meditate, do yoga and enjoy majestic nature while exploring profound practices that call in divine wisdom and healing.

We designed Evoka Sayulita Yoga School’s 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training to be more than a teacher training certification journey — it's a life-changing immersion into the depths of yoga philosophy, practice and lifestyle. While immersion training is challenging, our unique program offers an experience that not only imparts the skills of teaching yoga but also cultivates a profound shift in lifestyle. In this way, it’s a well-rounded program for anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge and practice of yoga, whether or not they want to become a yoga teacher

What Makes a Yoga Immersion Life-Changing?

Participating in a yoga immersion in Sayulita offers a retreat from your everyday life to reset and create new habits and routines. 

Deeper Understanding of Yoga Philosophy. Yoga teacher training immersions provide a supportive environment for delving into the philosophical roots of yoga. The ancient teachings become embodied when lived daily in a healing environment.

Personal Practice Intensification. Immersions encourage a more intensive personal practice. Living and breathing yoga each day allows participants to refine their asanas, delve into meditation and explore breathwork, providing a solid foundation for teaching from personal experience.

Cultivation of Mindfulness and Presence. Embracing a yogic lifestyle during teacher training naturally nurtures mindfulness and presence. Teacher trainees often find this evokes more clarity in making intuitive decisions about their purpose and life decisions.

Community Building. Immersions give you the opportunity to thrive in a close-knit community of like-minded individuals. The shared experience of living yoga brings trainees together, creating a supportive environment where each person's journey contributes to the expansion and growth of us all.

Evoka Sayulita School's 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training: A Fusion of Learning and Lifestyle

Our 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training takes this immersion to the healing, tropical paradise of Sayulita, Mexico. We offer you an invitation to live and breathe yoga. The immersive experience transforms not only the way one teaches but also the way you live—a profound shift that will follow you beyond the 14-day immersion. You will emerge not just as a certified yoga teacher, but as the highest version of yourself. After the immersion, will not just return home with a Yoga Alliance certificate, but with life-changing insight and practices to support your transformation.

Benefits to Studying Ayurveda in Yoga Teacher Training

Derived from Sanskrit, Ayurveda, means "the science of life.” It’s known as the sister science to yoga, and is an ancient system of medicine still respected and practiced today. Understanding Ayurveda sets you apart as a yoga teacher and provides valuable insights to share with your clients.  

With Ayurvedic knowledge, yoga teachers become holistic guides. Beyond teaching postures, they can offer insights into lifestyle choices, nutrition and self-care. Our  200-hour yoga teacher training immersion in Sayulita, Mexico, offers yoga teachers a deeper understanding of elemental healing through Ayurveda.

A Framework for Holistic Wellness: Ayurveda and The Doshas

Understanding one’s dosha, or elemental constitution, in Ayurveda can help you and your prospective clients harmonize a yoga practice with healthy lifestyle choices. With an understanding of Ayurveda, yoga teachers can help students achieve overall wellbeing by addressing various aspects of their lives.

I find that my yoga students are always fascinated to learn more about their doshas and it creates a deeper appreciation for their yoga practice. Now as a certified health and life coach and Reiki facilitator, I can pull from all of these qualifications to expand my scope and offer insights into Ayurvedic elemental healing. This helps me to make informed recommendations on diet, daily routines and self-care to promote a more balanced and harmonious lifestyle.

Join Us To Explore Ayurveda in Our Sayulita Yoga Immersion

Integrating Ayurveda into your yoga teaching toolkit diversifies your skill set. This not only enhances your knowledge to teach incredible and unique yoga classes, but also offers another building block for further professional development in holistic wellness. 

This is why we chose to offer this special study module in our Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training. We hope you will join us in exploring yoga and ayurveda in our Sayulita immersion.

Yoga Teacher Training as a Foundation for Sound Healers

My 200-hour yoga teacher training was the foundation for all of my other holistic offerings. It gave me the skills to hold sacred healing space that helped me to eventually offer sound healing, reiki, yoga nidra, meditation, breathwork and other nervous system modalities. The meditation app I work for as well well as every hotel or wellness facility I have worked in has required a Yoga-Alliance certificate.

If you're drawn to the world of sound healing and envision yourself facilitating holistic practices, yoga teacher training is the perfect way to begin the journey. Far beyond mastering yoga postures, yoga teacher training offers the robust foundation for anyone aspiring to become a sound healer.

Let’s explore how a 200-hour yoga teacher training program goes beyond the mat, equipping you with the skills to not just teach yoga but to embark on a holistic healing journey, encompassing meditation, breathwork, and learning to hold space - all elements required for offering quality sound healing.

What Does Yoga Have to Do with Sound Healing

Yoga teacher training is often misconstrued as asanas (postures on the mat), but it's a comprehensive curriculum that extends far beyond the physical practice. It's like Holistic Healing 101, the introductory foundation that prepares you not just for teaching yoga but for holding space in various nervous system healing modalities.

Imagine it as a canvas where you not only learn to create beautiful yoga sequences but also delve into the art of meditation, explore the intricacies of breathwork, and understand the profound impact of calming the nervous system. At Evoka Sayulita Yoga School, we intentionally designed our 200-hour yoga teacher training to be a place for aspiring breathwork facilitators, sound healers and other healing professionals to get started.

Many of the professional sound healers here in Sayulita, Mexico, began first by completing a 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training.

The immersive experience of a yoga teacher training teaches you to create sacred spaces for meditation, incorporate breathwork techniques, and weave your intuition into preparing sacred offerings.

Certification from a Yoga Alliance accredited school like Evoka Sayulita Yoga School prepares you with necessary background, skills and techniques for any career in holistic wellness. In fact, many resorts and wellness facilities require a Yoga-Alliance certification, as this is the standard in yoga and holistic wellness.

Beyond becoming a yoga teacher, you emerge as a meditation guide, a breathwork facilitator, and if you choose to study the science of sound healing and connect with your chosen instruments (sound healing bowls, gongs) you can offer sound baths.

If the idea of offering sound healing resonates with you, consider joining our yoga teacher training immersion in Sayulita. While our training will only briefly touch on the science of sound healing, it is a highly recommend first step to entering a holistic profession. From completing a yoga teacher training, you should be able to learn sound healing in a short course over a weekend or some dedicated self study, and of course through practicing with your chosen instruments.

I personally expanded from my yoga teacher training into sound healing by taking a weekend Gong Master workshop in San Diego, traveling to Memphis Drum Shop to learn about instruments asking professionals in the store and by traveling to Nepal, where I explored the family shops of those who hand-hammered Himalayan Bowls. If you don’t want to travel that far, there are many other resources for learning the science of sound healing and how to play the instruments.

Embark on your transformative journey – consider the Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Your purpose in the world of holistic healing awaits.

How is Yoga Teacher Training So Life-Changing

Having taught yoga at many Yoga Teacher Trainings in Sayulita, Mexico, I have witnessed first-hand the countless internal shifts and profound transformations in students. While all yoga teacher trainings impart life-changing ancient wisdom, specifically yogic immersion trainings foster healing that helps shift a student’s perpective on purpose and happiness. In this way, yoga teacher training will change your life!

Here’s How Yoga Teacher Training Radically Changed the Course of My Life

Heading off to Yoga Teacher Training in 2013!

In 2013, I ventured to my own 200-hour yoga teacher training in Melaque, Mexico. The prospect of leaving my daily routine behind was both thrilling and intimidating. Like everyone else, I didn’t really have several weeks to put my work and life on pause to take this trip. But after becoming curious about spirituality, I decided I would do whatever it took to leave my daily grind behind to experience a yoga immersion.

I strategized to take the opportunity while I was in between jobs. I had to trust that I could manage this in my budget. I had interviewed at a Fortune 500 company and once I received the position, I informed my new boss that I was unable to start for two weeks. This was a bit taboo, but I decided if they didn’t wait, it probably wasn’t the kind of company I would want to work for. I ended up taking my laptop to yoga teacher training to complete a few onboarding calls.

The training, with its focus on breathwork, meditation, chanting, and physical practice shifted my self-awareness and opened me up to explore so much more than I ever imagined. But that was only part of the magic that unfolded.

My yoga teacher training became the catalyst for a series of remarkable events.

My transformation from high heels and packing my lunch to take to the office, to barefoot beach life as a yoga teacher.

I had fallen in love with travel, and I had the distinct vision two months earlier while in Costa Rica that I was destined to travel the world helping others while teaching yoga. I had already been teaching dance and fitness classes, had been practicing yoga consistently and knew teacher training was the next progression in my personal growth. Yes, I had commited to a full-time, corporate job, but I followed my heart to see where the path might go.

On my way to yoga teacher training, I stopped a few days to visit Puerto Vallarta for the first time. After meeting some fellow hikers in a hostel, I joined them for a day trip to take a hike in nearby Sayulita. We hiked through lush jungle to a remote beach, and I talked with the others about how I had no idea where I wanted to be in life but that I wanted to be on a beautiful beach. At this time, Sayulita was a pretty sleepy beach town, it didn’t really strike me as a place I would return to.

Then I traveled on to teacher training to Melaque, Mexico. Each morning we would wake up at 7am to do meditation, chanting and breathwork. I had never done any of this before. It was challenging, a little strange to me, but I liked it. Sometimes I would lose focus, but there was undeniable energy in these practices that fed my soul in a way I had never experienced. It also heightened my intuition and helped me envision the life I wanted.

I returned home to my new corporate job, and started teaching yoga (side hustle!) right away anywhere that would have me! About a year into this new job, I had started envisioning a way out of corporate life. I had heard that sometimes the company would lay off workers and offer a nice severance package. I started meditating and visualizing that maybe this could happen for me. It was such a strong vision that I started preparing myself for this event, learning more and more about yoga and taking trainings that would help me develop professionally in holistic wellness.

In about a year after this vision, I got the call that I was being offered a severance package. While sadly, others in my company did not feel the same sentiment, I was beaming with this news. I was free to explore a new life path, and I had some extra cash to float me.

I started traveling and teaching yoga while renting out my home out on Airbnb. Sayulita started becoming a hot spot on the wellness and surfing travel circuit. I decided there must be more to Sayulita than my first impression. So, I circled back 4 years after my first visit to Sayulita. Instantly, I was offered opportunities to teach yoga and help out at yoga teacher trainings, so I decided to stay.

After a few years teaching yoga in this small village, I met my husband. He was traveling (originally from Argentina) and like so many, decided he too would like to stay in Sayulita. He started his own hiking tour company. Each day he leads day hiking tours on the very same magical paths I visited on my first trip to Sayulita years ago! 

Personal and Professional Growth

Yoga teacher training opened so many doors for me. It has enhanced my life with many techniques that have helped me remain joyful, positive and uplifted through all of life’s twists and turns. It also is the foundation for my career in wellness. When I think of all the trainings and certifications I have done, none prepared me more professionally or was more life-changing than my 200-hour immersion. 

My 200-hour yoga teacher training taught me much more than teaching yoga classes, it created my daily devotional practice to meditation and mindfulness and taught me to hold space for others while facilitating other modalities I later trained in:

  • Life coaching sessions

  • Sound healing

  • Meditation recordings

  • Reiki sessions

  • Sacred ceremonies

  • Retreats and workshops

After time and experience, I was able to confidently pivot from a marketing career to living a more simple and fulfilling life in the tropics teaching yoga, offering 1:1 coaching sessions and working part-time online for a meditation tech company. 

I feel truly blessed and grateful that I opened my heart to the teachings of yoga and it has led me down a purposeful path to making a positive impact on others and the world.

Join me for Yoga Teacher Training in Sayulita, Mexico

If you feel the stirrings of transformation within, consider joining the Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Expand yourself spiritually, seek to explore your purpose and embark on a journey towards happiness. Don’t miss the chance to redefine your path through this immersive experience.

Embark on your transformative journey – attend the Evoka Sayulita Yoga School 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training today. Your purpose awaits.

Creating an altar or sacred space in your home

An altar is a sacred space, whether for religous worship or simply for ceremony and ritual. Creating one in your home can be a fun project that inspires you each day to live mindfully. And, it’s simpler than you might think.

I enjoy my altar daily offering prayers and wishes throughout the day as I pass by it. It displays reminders of what’s sacred to me and helps keep me spiritually centered. To learn the basics of how and why to set up an altar, check out my video, where I offer you a tour of my own!

I hope this inspires you to create your own altar at home and celebrate what is sacred to you.

I’ll post some more inspiring ideas on how to use the altar in a future post.

Interested in learning more about yoga and spritual traditions or how to meditate, consider booking a 1:1 Wellbeing Coaching session, which can be focused on yoga, meditation or spiritual wellbeing, among many other lifestyle topics (partnerships, work, health, goals).

Thanks for stopping by! Leave a comment to say hello.

Confused About How to Meditate? Start Here.

Meditation can be intimidating, especially with so many methods and options for learning. You don’t need to understand yoga or study with monks to begin. You don’t need a yoga mat or to be perched on a mountaintop, you can start right here and right now. For real, go on…start this video. You are three minutes away from completing your first meditation.

There are many different ways to meditate, but what you are looking to do is acheive a little stillness in the mind that will put you fully aware in the present moment - not ruminating about the past or anxious about the future. The peace of even a minute of meditation offers many life-changing benefits. Here are a few biggies:

  • Calming stress and anxiety

  • Promoting healthy brain function

  • Elevating mood and happiness

  • Reducing negative thoughts and depression

  • Enhancing overall well-being, greatly reducing the risk of chronic illness

The best way to get better at meditating is to practice regularly. Before you know it, you can increase your 1-minute practice to 5, 10, 20, 30 or more minutes! If you are interested in learning more, please contact me for private or group meditation or mindful movement classes.

This Yoga Sequence Will Have You Vibin’ Vacation Mode

A vacation can be much more than a change of scenery. To fully renew, you can change your routine and take time to appreciate little wonders that you take for granted each day. It’s a time out to reflect and give energy back to yourself.

Taking a vacation is also an opportunity to leave behind our habits and routines. Intentionally using your vacation time to clear out and reset your habits can leave you relaxed and ready to live inspired to attain new goals when you return home.

I offer you this Vacation Mode all-levels hatha yoga sequence to help you reset and focus on yourself and your needs as you escape your day to day routine. Enjoy the indulgence with the mantra “I love and approve of myself.”

How to (Realistically) Stay Fit While on Vacation


If you have a regular fitness routine, congratulations on creating a healthy lifestyle habit. But what happens when you go on vacation?

Vacation is a time to put life on pause and enjoy new activities and experiences. This doesn’t mean you have to stop working out completely. But letting go of your daily habits is a valuable part of going on vacation. It brings new perspective and can leave you feeling refreshed and renewed when you return back home.

There’s a way to have it all! One way to stay in shape while on vacation is to do mini workouts of higher intensity. Maybe at home you dedicate an hour to working out, but while on vacation, just a 20 minute burst of exercise can keep your body feeling great while giving you more time and freedom to explore new places.

I’ve developed this high-intensity Vacation Fit Yoga flow to offer a full body, high-intensity workout (and stretch) in just 20 minutes. All you need is a yoga mat (which I make sure to provide to all my Airbnb guests). This class is developed for an experienced fitness level to help you continue your healthy habits while on vacation. The workout features awesome beats by OBX (Outer Banks) local artist Indigenous Beets. Enjoy!

Manifestation: Understanding the Power of Your Thoughts


Manifesting money, love, career, success, and most importantly happiness...

Here’s a casual inspirational talk I offered as part of 500-hour yoga teacher training in Sayulita, Mexico. I infuse scientific research with yoga techniques to offer tips on manifesting your dream life. These are just a handful of my personal yoga techniques that I have developed through years of self study and practice. They have enabled me to manifest my dream life: to live in the tropics and help people through teaching yoga.

There is a lot of practice that goes into the using your positive thoughts to change your life. I share many more of these techniques in my Intention Planning and Manifestation workshops and coaching. Every person deserves this kind of happiness, and it’s waiting for you.