Choosing A Reiki Certification: Is A Low-Cost Online Course As Good As A Traditional In-Person Training?

Looking to get certified in Reiki and not sure what format to choose? Whether over the span of a few hours or weeks, in-person or online, there are many ways you can receive a quality, comprehensive Reiki training. A question I get often is, “How do I choose the best Reiki Certification training?”

The short answer is everyone’s individual needs are different and no one format fits all. Certainly a $35 online course on websites like Udemy to learn all levels- Reiki 1, 2 and Master - is tempting. It sounds like an awesome deal. But will it teach you what you need to know to confidently offer Reiki to yourself and others? If so, why should you pay $300-600 for a small group Reiki course? I’ll break down the pros and cons of both!

Self-Paced Online vs. Traditional Reiki Training — Which Is Best For You?

In this post, I’m sharing what I know about different formats of Reiki trainings, having been in the field for more than 10 years and working with hundreds of students and clients. As a Reiki Master, I can offer you the professional background of having taught Reiki Trainings in-person in Sayulita, Mexico and online through live video calls. And of course, I was once a student and remember what it’s like to search for a certification program.

Reminder: A Reiki Master’s Commitment To The Highest Good

In Reiki, our goal is to channel divine energy for the highest good. There is no room for ego and the more we share Reiki, the more the divine energy comes back to us! I’m happy to recommend and support a variety of Reiki certification programs of various formats, even those that are not my own. I also respect that any legitimate Reiki Masters offering the larger-scale, self-paced online Reiki courses uphold the best of intentions. 

All of us Reiki Masters have a unifying goal to get more and more people in the world learning, healing from and sharing Reiki. 

Self-Paced Online vs. Traditional Reiki Training — The Pros and Cons

If you are skimming this article, please make sure to read the section on REIKI ATTUNEMENTS, as this is by far the biggest difference between the two learning formats and what you should consider most when choosing any Reiki training.

Self-Paced Online Reiki Training

Self-paced Reiki trainings, for example a class you might find on Udemy or other course platforms, usually involve inexpensive video content that you can download and watch online to learn on your own time. The information shared can be quite comprehensive. The Reiki Master offering the class may be very qualified and the content can be professional. However, there is often no interaction with the teacher or other students. Here are some of the pros and cons of this course format.

Self-Paced Online Reiki Training Pros

  • Affordability. Self-paced online courses can be extremely affordable, maybe even cheaper than booking a Reiki session. The pricing strategy is to be inexpensive enough to attract a mass quantity of students to produce a profit. The cost is low because the course material is all pre-recorded and the Reiki Master who offers the course is making passive income with their digital marketing expertise.

  • Flexibility. These courses can be completed at your own pace at any time, fitting into any schedule. Binge watch all the lessons at once, or pace them out over a period of time.

  • Accessibility. The online self-paced format lets you receive your Reik Certification right away, on a whim, from anywhere.

Self-Paced Online Reiki Training Cons

  • Limited Personal Interaction With Your Reiki Master. There may be minimal or even no interaction with the Reiki Master. It’s unlikely you will be able to ask personal questions, interact with other students or seek guidance.

  • High Rates Of Incompletion. Reiki Masters offering these mass-sold programs are more concerned with the initial sale and are not emotionally invested in if you do or do not complete the program.

  • Group Attunements. To manage the volume of students, these courses often perform group attunements, meaning you receive your attunement together on a zoom call with potentially hundreds of students. This makes the highly profound attunement less personal and potentially harder to internalize. Check out my important section on attunements for more info. 

  • Lack Of Mentorship. As there is no personal relationship developed with your Reiki Master, support and mentorship during and after the program is limited. This can hinder your growth and confidence in practicing Reiki.

  • Credibility. If you plan to work at a hotel or spa, they will likely ask for your Reiki certificate. Some of these self-paced courses, while comprehensive, may not have a reputation of legitimacy and could be rejected from your potential employer.

Traditional Reiki Training (In-Person Or Small Group Format Online) Pros

A more traditional in-person Reiki training usually involves a Reiki Master who teaches a small group of students. These classes are usually offered in spaces that offer Reiki or can be offered online as live video meetings (Zoom calls) and include hands on practices, meditations and group discussions to enhance the students’ experiences. In some cases, these courses span a few long days or can be spaced out for shorter durations over a span of weeks.

Traditional Reiki Training (In-Person Or Small Group Format Online) Pros

  • Personalized Mentorship. You get the dedicated time and attention of a Reiki Master to interact with you on a personal level. In a small group setting, the Reiki Master can adjust their teaching style to your needs, allowing for more in-depth learning and guidance. This mentorship continues even after the training, as you can reach out to the trainer if you have questions. 

  • Confidence Offering Reiki To Others. With the opportunity to ask questions and receive advice, you build more confidence in your Reiki abilities. In my training, we do hands-on, supervised practice with each student completing a practice Reiki session on another student or a friend. This quickly transforms the students confidence, from having imposter syndrome to having full confidence in their energy healing abilities.  

  • Potential For 1:1 Attunements. In a small group Reiki Training, it’s possible to receive an in-person or intimate small group attunement. In my own Reiki trainings, each student receives individual attunements and time to discuss the experience with me directly. Check out my important section on attunements below for more info. 

  • High Completion Rate. Because the format is more personal and the Reiki Master is emotionally invested in your success, you are likely to complete the course and offer Reiki sessions. Every student I have taught completed their Reiki Certification immediately and most started offering Reiki professionally for income right away.

  • Credibility and Credentials. Many Reiki Programs have great reviews and reputations that employers can check out when deciding to hire you. My Reiki certification trainings offer Yoga Alliance continuing education credits, which are a well-respected credential.

Traditional Reiki Training (In-Person or Small Group Format Online) Cons

  • Higher Cost. Traditional Reiki certifications tend to be more expensive because you are compensating the Reiki Master for the hours of in-person time and attention you receive. Fortunately, they are still affordable considering it’s a professional certification and the investment can be recouped by just offering a few professional Reiki sessions with your new credentials.

  • Time Commitment. Traditional Reiki trainings require a more structured schedule, based on the availability of the Reiki Master and training space.

Why Are Attunements In Reiki Training So Important?

Different Ways to Receive Attunements In Reiki Trainings

No Reiki certification is complete without offering the student an attunement. Reiki attunements are a crucial factor when choosing a Reiki training because they are the process through which the Reiki Master imparts the energy and wisdom of the Reiki Masters in their lineage to the student. 

If you are considering a Reiki Course that does not provide attunements, run far away! You must be attuned with this energy to intuitively channel Reiki.

Different ways to receive attunements include individual 1:1 attunements, which are highly personalized and potent, and group attunements, which are also effective and more common in larger, self-paced online courses. Attunements can be very powerful. If you are highly sensative to energy, you may want a personal session so that you can process your experience with your teacher and other students, reintegrate and ground.

As a Reiki Master it’s our responsibility to be ethical, trustworthy and uphold authenticity to our intentions. And yes, as the student, you are consenting for the Reiki Master to essentially offer you an energetic psychic surgery, kind of a big deal! So you should feel good about your decision to be initated into Reiki and feel aligned with the Reiki Master you are choosing.

Checking reviews from previous students can help ensure that the Reiki Master you choose has a reputation for integrity. 

I take great responsibility and integrity in offering attunements for two reasons:

  • We are honoring our lineage of great Reiki Masters and continuing to pass their energy to students we teach so that this beautiful tradition may remain in this world.

  • Attunements create a karmic connection between the Reiki Master and student. Meaning as a Reiki Master, I accept that my actions create outcomes that continue energetically forward to others, and ultimately I am responsible for my karma (also kind of a big deal!).

Choosing the Right Reiki Training For You

Choosing the right Reiki training ultimately comes down to your personal needs, time-constraints, budget and learning style. Both self-paced and personalized mentorship formats are valid. Getting trained in Reiki though any format can be a transformative experience that connects you with your intuition and divine energy.

Self-Paced Online Reiki Training Is An Accessible First Step for Learning Reiki

If you choose the budget-friendly Self-Paced Reiki Training format, you will have taken a very low-financial-risk first step in becoming a Reiki facilitator. This could be a very positive decision that can help others and improve the world! If the attunements are performed correctly and you are committed to complete the program, it’s entirely possible this will be enough training for you to develop the practical skills on your own to offer Reiki sessions to yourself, your friends and professional clients.

If later you seek more guidance, I’m available for 1:1 Reiki Mentorship. I can also offer you Reiki re-Attunements in the form of a Reiki Session (online or in Sayulita) if you would like to ensure you have received an empowering attunement (imparting of divine energy from the ancient Reiki Masters). To take advantage of either of these services, just book a 1:1 Session with me and specify in your reservation what you would like to accomplish.

Join My In-Person Reiki Training Format - Live Online or in Sayulita, Mexico

My training in Sayulita or online is for you if…

  • You have a deep desire to thoroughly embody the Reiki wisdom and grow spiritually.

  • You wish to seek and channel energy for personal healing and spiritual/intuitive development.

  • You are willing to invest in a professional training (YACEP accredited) that will enable you to generate steady income as a Reiki facilitator and prosper financially after a few practice sessions.

  • You seek a deeper connection, individualized attention and mentorship from an ethical and authentic Reiki master with hundreds of clients and reviews reflecting her integrity.

My in-person Reiki Certification format (taken Live Online or in Sayulita, Mexico) empowers you to fully embrace divine healing energy. 

Considering My Sayulita, Mexico Or Online Reiki Training?

While I am located most of the year in Sayulita, Mexico, I also offer the same Reiki trainings and sessions 100% online. All of my online students and clients are equally as happy with their decision to work with me, whether they attended a live online training or an in-person training in Sayulita.

If you feel called, visit my Sayulita Reiki School page to learn about my upcoming Reiki 1, 2, and Master Trainings offered in both Sayulita, Mexico and online. 

Note: I’m also happy to mentor Reiki Masters who wish to set up and teach their own Reiki Certification Trainings with my Reiki Certification Training Starter Kit, which includes use of my Reiki Training manuals and lesson plans!

I did my Reiki training 1 & 2 and Master with Chel and I absolutely LOVED it! She explained everything thoroughly and made us all feel at home, protected and cared for. She is so knowledgeable and always interested in what we had to say.
Chel was so kind to answer all our questions and made sure we felt comfortable, confident and ready to take on our new magical path.
The group was wonderful, from the very beginning I felt like I had just met my new besties. Thank you, Chel for being such a beautiful and kind soul, you’re an amazing teacher.✨🦋
— Reiki Master Alejandra Gomez Rios, Monterrey, Mexico
“I have never experienced anything that came to me so easily and brought me so much joy. 🙏 💫 I can not thank you enough for opening this path for me and giving me the opportunity to do this and share it with more beautiful souls.”
— Reiki Master Nadine Tonnis, Cayman Islands

More questions about Reiki Training? Send them my way! Feel free to leave a comment or get in touch via email if I can help you with Reiki Mentorship, Reiki Attunements or Reiki Healing Sessions


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