Tips for Living in Alignment This Year + FREE Guided Meditation

Just checking, did anyone wake up on January 1 a “new you?” 

Okay, me either!

Starting a new year shouldn’t be about chasing perfection or instantly becoming a new person. 

A new year is simply a beautiful seasonal reminder to tune into what truly matters to you and let that guide you forward.

Living in alignment is about listening to your highest self and allowing your inner awareness to guide your decisions and actions.

Often we set a Sankalpa, or intention, at the beginning of a year to guide us. If you would like to set or renew a New Year’s Intention, here’s my FREE meditation below.

When you are living in alignment, you’re connected to your purpose, intentional with your energy and more present in your life. And then everything just flows with more ease.

Here’s how you can start living more aligned this year:

1. Pause and Listen Within

Your higher self always knows what’s best for you, it’s just a matter of slowing down and listening. Take daily pauses, even for just a few minutes, to breathe deeply and check in with yourself. Ask:

What feels good right now?

What’s not working for me?

What do I truly want from this situation?

2. Take Intentional, Small Steps

Focus on small, intentional actions that add up over time. Progress is messy and it’s rarely a smooth and straight road (wouldn’t that be a little boring?).

Imagine it’s more like hiking—you will inevitably wind around a loop a bit. Don’t expect perfection or a quick route, but trust the path. You might even explore some pleasant surprises along the way.

3. Reevaluate Your Priorities

Sometimes, we fall out of alignment because we’re prioritizing things that don’t actually matter to us. Reflect honestly:

Am I spending time on things that light me up or just checking off tasks?

If you are not hitting your daily desired habits, what are you prioritizing ahead of them and why?

Allow yourself to focus on what feels meaningful (yes, this all comes back to self-love!).

4. Learn from Resistance

If something’s not flowing easily for you, take notice: “Hey, something’s not working here!” 

Sometimes, we don’t realize we’ve fallen out of alignment until stress shows up. If we don’t pay attention to the earliest signs of resistance, it will compound into overwhelm, burnout or even physical symptoms.

Stress is a messenger, alerting you that it’s time to recalibrate and shift.

Here’s to making 2025 a year of alignment, one intentional moment at a time.

Enjoy this FREE intention-setting meditaton and use it anytime you want to renew and reconnect this year.

To align daily: Find ways to connect with your inner self, like enjoying your favorite hobbies, meditation and journaling. If you are looking for more guidance, check out all of my meditations, journaling and live classes on Aura! You can use this 30-day free trial to get started. 


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