How (and Why!) to Use a French Press Coffee Maker


When I began hosting on Airbnb, I decided to provide my guests a french press as an eco-friendly and healthier alternative to a traditional drip coffee maker or Kurig. French Press’ are easy to use, and many of my Airbnb guests have had no trouble figuring out how brew coffee using one. But I wanted to make this quick video as part of my guest guide, which explains how and why to use a french press coffee maker.

If you’re interested in a french press, I recommend a stainless steel version. This Starbucks one I’m using in the video has endured everyday use for 10+ years. By contrast, I’ve had a few glass ones and they break quite easily. I haven’t seen another Starbucks one like this, but I’m really impressed with this Secura French Press that I provide guests in my Gypsea’s Getaway Airbnb. I use my french press with this OXO electric kettle, which I chose because there is no plastic in contact with the hot water.

Here are a few benefits to using a french press:

  • A french press is a plastic-free alternative to brewing coffee, which ensures dangerous and carcinogenic chemicals such as BPA and phthalates do not come into contact with the hot water and leach into your daily coffee.

  • There are no filters or K-cups required, which means less packaging waste.

  • Since filters don’t drain out the flavor, a french press makes stronger more delicious coffee while using few grounds.

  • They are pretty fun and easy to use.

Thanks to my Airbnb guests and anyone else for giving this a try, and I hope you enjoy!