Get More Sleep By Creating An Evening Wind Down Routine [FREE Audio Tracks]

Are you getting enough sleep? It’s recommended adults get a minimum 7 hours of sleep per night.

Sleep is an essential and often overlooked part of our overall wellbeing. How much we sleep directly affects our physical wellbeing (energy level and metabolism), our mental focus, stress level and overall vitality. A restful night’s sleep is needed for restoring, healing your body, refocusing your mind and rejuvenating your spirit.

Sleep allows the brain to process and consolidate information to form memories, enhances immune and metabolic functions and is essential for maintaining focus and concentration throughout the day. Additionally, not getting enough quality sleep can have long-term health implications such as increased risk for obesity, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and depression.

FIND OUT HOW TO CREATE AN evening wind-down routine for better sleep

I recorded this audio track to inspire you to create an evening wind-down routine that will prepare you for better sleep and help you relax each night. This stress-relieving routine will ensure you get the sleep you need each night. Get started creating this habit each evening to program your brain to fall asleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and rested.


Bonus Track: Evening audio meditation to relax and wind down

I hope these tracks inspire you to commit to getting a well-deserved night’s rest that will enhance your overall well-being.

These tracks are part of my audio series of meditations and coaching posted on the Aura app. These are the raw unedited files. If you want access to my complete professionally editied series of audio tracks as well as others from hundreds of amazing coaches, use this link to sign up for a 30-day free trial.

The Ultimate Self-Care Guide & Workbook [It’s FREE! ]

When I went from working in a stressful job, in a city I didn’t enjoy to living in a vacation-paradise beach and the ability to work when and where I wanted, it was not by a stroke of luck.

It was about planning. It was about dreaming. I have always been a planner and a dreamer.

As a marketing executive, I always joked that I didn’t know what my passion or purpose was in life, but as soon as I figured it out, I would be really good at strategizing it!

Acheiving your big dreams is really about setting goals and maintaining a positive mindset.

It’s also about putting yourself first and self-care!

I’m so excited to share with you the tools I used on my own journey to my dream life. These tools come from my studies in mindfulness and yoga as well as my knowledge about strategy.

I’m a journaling junkie.

I’ve always been facinated and deeply satisfied by journaling and writing out my thoughts. There’s something magical that happens when you write it out, and make that thought materialize in a more lasting way.

So here it is! This gorgeous Inspired Wellbeing Ultimate Self-Care Guide and Workbook is packed full of life coaching tools I use for both myself and my clients to help you reach your highest potential and live a fulfilled life of happiness and joy.

This guide goes far beyond typical journaling templates to take you further into self-discovery and behavior change with proven mindfulness techniques.

Mindful and Creative Self-Care Tools

✔️35 Pages

✔️100 Ideas & Prompts

Enjoy fun and inspiring ideas, journal prompts and activities in this GORGEOUS PDF to create your most inspiring life. This 35-page ebook covers Physical, Social, Mental, Purpose and Spiritual wellbeing with creative and thoughtful information.

Created by a certified life coach, these tools go far beyond the typical journaling templates and include instructions, guidance and actionable tools to strategize your life and live your happiest.

  • Wellbeing Assessment

  • Creating Habits

  • Creating Boundaries

  • Reframing Negative Thoughts

  • Calming Anxiety

  • Challenging Limiting Beliefs

  • Finding Your Purpose

  • Setting Life Goals

  • Gratitude

  • 31-Days of Journal Prompts

  • Just-For-Fun Reflections and Much More!

Most of all this will strategize your life and propel you to acheive your dreams!

Get started, take time getting to know yourself better and have fun!

Download your Free Workbook! Just sign up for my newsletter (below!) for your copy!

Healing Yoga for Body Confidence [FREE Online Mini Workshop]

The journey to loving your body does not involve a diet, an outfit or a number on the scale. It truly starts by going within.

How do I know? Well I took the extreme route on my body confidence journey. I went from feeling mortified to be in a bikini, starving myself before social gatherings and never wearing shorts or leggings to becoming a gogo dancer! My body didn’t significantly change in appearance, yet I went from hiding and feeling ashamed of my body to shaking my ass on stage as a circus/bulesque performer. Now I teach yoga, so wearing leggings is my daily uniform. I also choose to be in a bikini everyday to go surfing! I gotta say, loving my body is way more fun!

I went from being mortified in a bikini to dancing in fun, skimpy costumes in public. There was no diet or body transformation at all, it was a mindset shift that made me love and feel proud of my body.

What changed for me? I studied yoga and mindfulness and learned that no matter what I changed on the outside, self love and body acceptance only comes from within. I know that sounds incredibly cheesy and also confusing (what do you mean I need to love myself more?). Well, if you are not celebrating your body everyday and happy with it in all its various forms and fluxuations, you deserve to love yourself and your body more.

There’s no need to take the extreme route like me, I’ll teach you what I learned by facing my biggest fears.

Start to love your body with this sacred self-care journey.

FREE, On Demand Workshop

In my self-paced mini workshop you will:

✔️ Release stored up beliefs and emotions that have been holding you back from exploring your full presence and space in the world.

✔️ Connect subconsiously with each cell of your body, exploring your body’s divine connection with infinite love.

✔️ Release patterns of shame and unworthiness through deep inner work.

✔️ Rewrite your body confidence story to empower yourself and commit to new habits that support your journey.

If you would like to hear more about my personal body confidence journey, check out my podcast interview where I include some mindfulness tips for body image.

Note: This workshop is currently closed but feel free to sign up for a 1:1 session.

I wish you the best on your journey to body confidence. Let me know how it’s going!

Finding Body Confidence Through Joyful Movement [Podcast]

Body image is something that most of us have struggled with at one time or another. How do we learn to accept our bodies and not let our limiting beliefs hold us back from living life to the fullest?

I’m sharing my best body confidence tips in this podcast episode.

In our conversation, we talk about my body confidence journey and how we all can learn to love the bodies we’re in right now. We discuss the power of joyful movement, our blocks to body confidence, and how mindfulness plays into it all.

Listen here, on Spotify or your fave podcast platform.!

Let’s dive into body confidence and what you can do today to start loving your body.

Let me know if this podcast inspires you.

Be sure to check out my Body Love Mini Workshop inspired by this podcast. It’s free for a limited time!

How to Create a Powerful Aura and Presence

Our sense of personal power is aligned with our confidence. When we feel powerless or lack of confidence, we often feel small. We feel we don’t deserve to take up space or attention. We hide our energy and retreat clinging to our inner fears and anxieties. Our body, posture and energy can reflect this.

How can we step into a more powerful presence, especially in situations where we feel powerless?


One way is to actually visualize yourself and your energy as expansive. Close your eyes and literally visualize your aura of light growing and glowing around you, taking up more and more space. Feeling larger and expansive, begin to visualize what having more power in your current situation looks like.

Aligning the Chakras

It’s hard to maintain confidence each day, but working through the Chakras, the body’s energy centers, we can cultivate a sense of power, even when we are not feeling our most confident. The graphic below offers a path through the chakras to align your energy to your personal power.

Some journal prompts for reflection:

What makes me feel powerful?

What are some small things I can do to feel more confident right now?


Ready to do the work? Join me for 1:1 healing (or a yoga session!).

Want to Love Your Body? Focus on Your Mind (and Then Do This)

Let’s Start By Letting Go of Self-Judgement

We all have had our horrors in front of a full-length mirror. Judging ourselves so harshly as we prepare for a big event, summer swim season or even just starting our day. Can you relate? That mirror may as well be a magnifying glass, and God help us all under fluorescent lighting.

We are a society plagued by negative self talk, and that’s especially true for women. It’s not only the media (Instagram, we love you and we hate you!), but it’s an all out attack that comes from our closest social circle and community.

I grew up ashamed of my body because I was teased “playfully” by people around me. This had me dieting and counting calories by the fourth grade, which I learned from my mom’s Redbook magazines. Even my dermatologist had the audacity to point out unrelated to any medical concern that I have little pockets of fatty bumps in my heels (that’s “piezogenic papules,” btw!). Great, even my heels have cellulite!

No matter your size, shape, or fitness level, there’s a constant questioning and judgement that goes on in our heads. We can blame societal pressures, but we are our own harshest critics when comparing ourselves to others or media ideals. And guess what, that ideal body your comparing yourself to probably has it’s own inner-self critic!

There was a time in my life when I reached my thinnest and I still had the full-length mirror battles with my inner-self critic. I hid under baggy clothes and just accepted that I would never have the body or the confidence to wear certain outfits, such as shorts or yoga pants. It didn’t matter how thin I got (and hungry!), or how toned or in shape, I saw “orange peel” skin or bra-elastic induced “back fat” and whatever labels marketers coined up.

It’s Not About a Perfect Body, It’s About a Healthy Mindset

Radical self acceptance means you take a radical approach inward to express gratitude for your body, without judgement and negative self talk. Radical for me meant parading that “orange peel” skin and “back fat” in front of live audiences in skimpy costumes on stage. How’s that for vulnerability? I became a circus, pole dance and burlesque performer. 

This journey began about 12 years ago when I stepped into my first pole dancing class. I had no experience with dance. I joined a six-week series designed to build confidence and teach women to look and feel sexy in their own skin within a safe and accepting environment. So safe, there were dark rooms with black lights and each gym member coined her own dance name for anonymity. It was at Studio Rio Twisted Fitness in Virginia Beach, Virginia, where I became “BombChel.” 

I was told by the gym when I called to join the series that it was best to wear a“booty” shorts to class. Booty shorts? Ha, I had avoided wearing any type of shorts for the entirety of my 20’s. Why would the instructor think I just had “booty shorts” stashed away in my drawer. I was terrified of showing my legs!

What Joyful Activity Can Help You Connect to the Miracle of Your Body’s Movement?

Taking those pole dance classes was the beginning of bringing joyful movement into my daily life.

If you want to love your body, connect your physical body to a sense of joy and gratitude daily.

How does moving your body bring you joy?

Joyful movement is a physical activity that makes you smile. It’s not activity that that “targets your glutes” or makes you feel guilty for skipping a day. It’s a way to enjoy the miracle of your body’s movement every day. For me, it’s taking a walk on the beach, dancing to hip hop, playing with hula hoops, flowing to yoga and surfing.

Not sure how to explore joyful movement? Grab your journal!

List out some ways you find joy while moving. Maybe it’s taking a walk with your partner, biking with your kids or gardening. Think about what activities you are doing, who you are with and where you are when these activities take place.

Consider these questions:

  • Is there a way to add more fun movement to your day and/or spend more time in the places that bring you joy?

  • What hobbies did you have as a child (did you tap dance or twirl a baton or roller skate)?

  • Is there an activity that you like to watch and admire, but are discouraged to try for yourself?

  • What local classes, meet up groups or even YouTube videos could help you get started with an activity you will enjoy?

  • Does your current exercise program (if you have one) bring you joy? If not, how could you make movement kinder to your body and more joyful?

Once you have a starting point of potential new, joyful activities, it’s time to find some confidence to try them.

What blocks or fears come up in exploring a new form of movement?

Many times, our self-criticism keeps us from even starting a new activity. I often hear, “I’d like to try pole dancing, but after I lose 10lbs and am in better shape,” or “I want to try yoga, but I’ve never taken a class before.” This could be fear of failure, fear of success or lack of confidence talking. Give yourself the space to be a beginner, start as a novice and learn.

Maybe your fear is trying something alone. I really had to push myself to hike trails alone as I prepared for a trekking trip to Nepal. Maybe it’s the fear of the unknown. I felt incredibly ackward when I showed up to my first-ever yoga class! We all have fears and we all grow by leaving our comfort zone, even if we just start slowly.

The inner self-critic expects you to fail. Self acceptance says you don’t have to be good when you begin an activity. The joyful place inside you just knows how to have fun, laugh and enjoy learning. It’s not about succeed or fail.

How can you invest some self care time in these activities?

To improve your self confidence, it takes dedication. It’s difficult to prioritize ourselves when the inner critic is telling us we don’t deserve it. Cultivating a habit of self love through self care plants the seeds for joyful movement and body acceptance. Give yourself time to grow.

How I Shut Up My Inner Self Critic

Exploring joyful movement without any expectation of the outcome is how I found peace with my body. The unitended consequence is that I’ve ended up performing pole dance, hoop and fire entertainment under the burlesque name “Gypsea BombChel.” I not only have booty shorts, I have mounds of cheeky shorts and bikinis that I wear on the beach, in public, under the bright sunlight.

Now I’m a dance and yoga instructor sharing what I love to do and a Certified Integrative Health and Well-Being Coach, inspiring body confidence.

What changed? For me, I started to have fun, expressing myself through movement, and that joy eventually took precedence over my own self-judgement. It took years to work on this, but it’s incredibly liberating to wear anything with confidence performing, even when I’m not admittedly feeling or looking my best. 

Make joyful movement a daily practice and over time, you too will see results. This practice of self love means choosing to enjoy life on your terms, rather than being concerned with the thoughts and opinions of others.

Life is too short to be self-conscious about your body each minute of it

I changed my mindset and embraced my own joy within. My body is for ME to enjoy, who cares what anyone else thinks?

You can love the body you are in now. Right now — not 5lbs from now, not 6 months from now, not a detox diet from now or 8 glasses of water from now. You can change your mindset and start to make peace with your body. Begin with daily joyful movement to connect your body with a sense of joy and gratitude.

Ready to get started? Take my online Body Love course for a sacred self-care journey. Check out the first module of the course as a free preview and you will access my Wellness and Wanderlust podcast interview about body confidence.

Get Started Digital Nomading with These Proven Travel Hacks


Four years ago, I packed up my life into a medium-sized suitcase and day pack with a laptop and began booking endless one-way tickets while working remotely. Before then, I used the freedom of my remote job to live bi-coastal, renting an apartment in San Diego and maintaining a home in Outer Banks, North Carolina.

Back then, remote jobs were scarse and highly-competitive. Once I was hired and working, I had to prove myself relentlessly to my skeptical managers. So if your job has recently transistioned from the office to home, I’m happy for you that you don’t have to deal with the judgement of being the only member on your team wearing pajamas to work. It’s wonderful to see this remote trend being more accepted as the technology was ready to support this movement well before social norms were.

If you have dreamed of traveling as a digital nomad, this is your time!

Turning this dream into reality means doing your research, opening your mind to adventure, and overcoming some obstacles along the way. To help you get started, I’ve shared my top digital nomading tips, “Insights + Helpful Hacks to be a Successful Digital Nomad” with the She’s Wanderful travel community.

Check out the post, and leave a comment if you would like to discuss the digital nomading lifestyle.

Need help transitioning to a digital nomad lifestyle?

You can do this! Consider a Well-Being Coaching session to focus on your goal and we can infuse some digital nomading mentorship.

How I Escaped Corporate Life and Began Traveling


“Retirement is essentially living off your investments. I knew very early on in my career that the office lifestyle wasn’t for me. I looked around and realized I was expected to be in my 60s still in the office waiting for my retirement plan to kick in. I was good at marketing and business plans, so I thought, why not create a strategic life plan?”

This week's Hampton Roads Inside Business offers my inspirational interview on how I retired from the corporate world in my 30s and became a traveling mermaid. Check it out in print and view the full story over at Pilot Online

“I’m now interested in life coaching and helping others reduce stress and create “marketing plans” for their life,” Rogerson said. “I always check in and modify my life strategy as my priorities change. I actually carry a lot of notebooks around with me all the time doing this. I’m interested now in sharing these tools and consulting clients on life design.”

Once upon a time, I put on a business suit each day and waltzed into the office with stilettos. It took about 10 years before I progressed to work fully remotely in my pajamas or bikini each day. Now, I'm only working on projects I am passionate about. I've spent a lot of time enjoying this freedom, but now I've organized my coaching tools to share with you. 

What is your dream? Everyone has a different ideal life. Mine was to stop working a traditional full-time job and travel, but yours may be quite different. Whatever your dream, my tools can help you get there. Check out the Coaching section of my website to learn more.